Category: Apologetics

Academic Apologetics Theology

Zechariah 14 (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1. Worshiping Yahweh (14:16–21) Following the defeat of everyone who waged war against Jerusalem, who were stricken with a flesh-rotting plague (14:12) and relieved of their gold, silver, and garments (14:14), we read this: 16 Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year […]

R. L. Solberg 
Academic Apologetics Theology

Zechariah 14: Law in the Millennium (Pt. 1)

Introduction The theology of Torahism1 regularly misinterprets a handful of prophetic eschatological passages to support their belief that followers of Jesus are required to keep the entire Old Covenant law, including the dietary restrictions, the Torah feasts, circumcision, and the seventh day Sabbath. Zechariah 14:16–21 is one such prophecy. On the surface, the text seems […]

R. L. Solberg 
Apologetics Hebrew Roots Theology

Salvation and Justification in Hebrew Roots

A standard line of argumentation by some “Torah-observant” followers of Jesus hinges on the distinction between justification and salvation. The theology of Torahism (aka Hebrew Roots, Torah-observant Christianity) holds that all the Mosaic rituals—circumcision, maintaining a kosher diet, observing the Torah feasts, etc.—are required of followers of Jesus and, therefore, it is sinful and disobedient […]

R. L. Solberg 
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