Faith Theology
R. L. Solberg  

When I Tell You…

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A few months back I came across a great poem online that really resonated with me. It’s called “When I Say I Am A Christian” and was written by Carol Wimmer in 1988.  Wimmer had begun to sense an increasing resentment in American culture toward Christians who had adopted a distorted attitude of self-righteousness about their faith. That’s something that I am sensitive to, as well. Probably because I have a tendency toward that attitude if I am not careful. I wanted to share her poem, but when I read it through carefully I found it didn’t quite say what I wanted to say. So I adopted her concept and re-wrote it in my own words.

When I Tell You I’m A Christian

By R. L. Solberg. (Based on the poem When I Say I Am A Christian by Carol Wimmer © 1988)

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I’m not shouting that I’ve been saved. I’m whispering that I was lost and Jesus found me.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I’m not saying I am strong. I’m confessing that I’m weak and need to rely on Jesus for my strength.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I am not being prideful. I’m confessing that I stumble and I am dependent on Jesus to guide me.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I’m not bragging about my success. I’m admitting that I’ve fallen short and thanking Jesus for paying my debt.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I’m not saying I know it all. I’m admitting that I can’t lean on my own understanding, so instead, I am submitting to God’s wisdom.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I’m not claiming to be perfect. I am confessing that I am broken but I have been forgiven.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I’m not saying I don’t experience pain or disappointment. I’m thanking Jesus that I no longer need to experience those things alone and I’m trusting Him to redeem them.

When I tell you I’m a Christian, I am not judging other people. I am confessing that I am just a spiritual beggar who wants to show other beggars where to find bread.

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