Category: Theology

Apologetics Faith Theology

Oh, Henry.

I recently had a very interesting conversation with an old friend. He and I got into a robust discourse on the Christian faith; debating its historical roots, it’s modern-day abuses, and it’s truth claims. It occurred to me that others like myself who are interested in apologetics might find our discussion engaging and thought-provoking, so […]

R. L. Solberg 
Apologetics Culture Faith Philosophy Theology

A Piece of Life

The following exchange happened between an unidentified questioner, and an Indian yogi and mystic called Jaggi Vasudev, who is more commonly known as Sadhguru. The questioner asks, “We have light and dark, we have hot and cold, do we have also good and bad?” Sadhguru answers, “Good and bad is not in terms of your […]

R. L. Solberg 
Apologetics Theology

Sovereign God, Free Man

If God is sovereign over all things how can mankind be genuinely free and held responsible for our actions? The idea of a Creator God who is sovereign over all things is not a problematic concept on its own. The notion of a Supreme Being who controls nature, history and the universe is a thread […]

R. L. Solberg 
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