Category: Theology

Apologetics Theology

From The Inside Out

“We have quite removed from men’s minds what that pestilent fellow Paul used to teach about food and other unessentials—namely, that the human without scruples should always give in to the human with scruples.” —The Senior Demon Screwtape in C. S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. For many Torahists, the issue of unclean food carries quite […]

R. L. Solberg 
Apologetics Culture Theology

A Berean Approach

A very lively theological debate with a friend over the appropriateness of Christians displaying Christmas trees has led me to write a couple recent blog articles. (Here and here. ) This is the third installment of articles inspired by this ongoing conversation. A series of articles inspired by actual theological debates and discussions that I […]

R. L. Solberg 
Culture Faith Theology

Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

To most Christians, Christmas is a sacred religious holiday. But in modern times it’s become more of a cultural and commercial phenomenon. The Christmas we celebrate in the West today—opening gifts, decorating trees, singing carols, putting up stockings, roasting chestnuts, Santa, and all the rest—has often been criticized by the Christian community for becoming too […]

R. L. Solberg 
Faith Theology

When I Tell You…

A few months back I came across a great poem online that really resonated with me. It’s called “When I Say I Am A Christian” and was written by Carol Wimmer in 1988.  Wimmer had begun to sense an increasing resentment in American culture toward Christians who had adopted a distorted attitude of self-righteousness about their […]

R. L. Solberg 

From Our Fathers

One of the things that amazed me when we first moved from Minnesota to Tennessee was the history I found here. For a while, my small company rented a house in Franklin, a town founded in 1799 that sits about 15 miles south of Nashville. Our office-house sat right across the street from an old […]

R. L. Solberg 
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