Category: Theology

Apologetics Theology

The Seed of Eve

In a recent spirited debate with a Jewish friend, he said this: Dear Rob, you have been fed a pack of lies. I could list them all, but I’ll just start with your statement that Jesus is foretold in the Tanakh in many places. That, sir, is only if you mistranslate, misunderstand, misconstrue, or take […]

R. L. Solberg 
Apologetics Faith Theology

Found In Translation

I have been involved in a long and profitable conversation with some old friends who have left the Christian faith and are now living a “Torah-observant”* lifestyle. The reason I’ve been engaging with this religious movement, which I call Torahism, is that it is a dangerous heresy for current believers in Christ and a malicious stumbling […]

R. L. Solberg 
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