Apologetics Hebrew Roots Theology

Gentiles and the Law

A Gentile Christian choosing to keep Jewish cultural traditions is a bit like an American choosing to adopt Japanese cultural traditions. It’s not necessarily “wrong,” but it seems a bit arbitrary. Let me explain. There are Gentle Christians today—people who profess faith in Jesus but aren’t of Jewish ethnicity or descent—who choose to do things […]

R. L. Solberg 
Apologetics Hebrew Roots Theology

The Dangers of the Hebrew Roots Movement

(Edited 9/4/23) There is a theological movement called Torahism—you might know it as Torah-observant Christianity or the Hebrew Roots Movement. Torahism1 teaches that all Christians should be “keeping Torah,” by which they mean we should be keeping the Law of Moses (aka the “Old Testament law”). The New Testament teaches that keeping these Mosaic traditions are permitted for […]

R. L. Solberg 
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